Mechanomers specifically toxic to microbes of a given species but not to those of other species or to humans can be mechanomerically selected.
At its simplest, such development will take the form of parallel matricial mechanomeric selection: overlaying a set of parallel identical replicated random mechanomer matrices with, respectively, a culture of the microbes in question, cultures of microbes of as many other species as practicable, both human commensals (to avoid for example disturbing normal human gastrointestinal microflora and possibly facilitating fulminating toxic overgrowths) and a selection of environmentally-significant species, and cytopalette cultures of as many different human cell types from as many different humans as practicable; observing for regions where on the first matrix the microbial cells die but on the others no cells do, deaths signaled by mechanomeric indication for greatest sensitivity; extracting the random mechanomers from those regions from yet another parallel matrix; re-matriciating the mechanomers from each such region using different media to separate them; and repeating, until a specific and effective antimicrobial is developed.
Note that such antimicrobial selection is even more flexible than microbial development of resistance to antimicrobials, since mechanomeric selection of antimicrobials is limited neither to starting from naturally-existing mechanomers nor to mechanomers of naturally-existing classes.
Furthermore, it will be much faster than the microbial development of resistance to antimicrobials.
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